Blast Through the 3 Biggest Barriers to
Book Sales
Now that your book is ready to go to the publisher, let me be the first to congratulate you on being one of the 15% of writers that complete the writing process and have a finished book in hand!
That was a lot of time and work well spent, knowing that 85% of the people who take it on do not complete the process.
Don’t stop now!
Once your book is written you might think the pressure is off. Smooth sailing from here, right? To the contrary, this is where the real work begins.
Assuming your goal is to get your book into the hands of readers, a solid marketing plan is in your future.
Be cautioned. At this stage, certain barriers can put the brakes on book sales and even stop them completely before they get started.
Knowing WHAT those barriers are and HOW to blast through them is critical if you want to sell books.
Blast Through the 3 Biggest Barriers to Book Sales will put you on track.
What’s it going to cost me?
Other than a couple hours of your time, nothing. Zero. Zilch.
But if you move forward with your book without understanding and diffusing these critical barriers it can cost you everything.
Blast Through the 3 Biggest Barriers to Book Sales is a FREE 5-day course, starting Monday October 17th, 5:30pm pst that will clue you in on what those barriers are and how to recognize them. Once identified you will have tools that will help you blast throgh them and watch them crumble so you can sell your books.
What You Can Expect from This Course:
Identify the 3 Biggest Barriers and How to Diffuse Them
Gather Essential Marketing Elements
Learn How to Maximize the Impact of Your Book Launch so You Can Sell More Books
This course is for you if…
You want to write and sell your book
You are not sure what to do after your book is written
You want to understand and determine which is best for you: traditional publishing or self-publishing
This course is NOT for you if…
You are not willing to put forth the effort to create a successful book business
You are not interested in selling books
You don’t have 5 hours to commit to the course